“The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.”
I was a dancer throughout college, but when I went to law school in 1982 I put that aside and continued to dance simply for the love and joy of it. In 1996 I was captivated by a demonstration of taiji quan. With similarities to dance, it was grace, discipline and meditation all rolled into one, and, as I would soon learn, so much more. At that point in my life I was running my own law firm, so all of the elements that make up taiji – strength, stamina, flexibility (in body and mind), self-awareness, tranquility and harmony with nature – were welcomed in my life. I joined a martial arts school that offered taiji quan and qigong and began a dedicated practice, also training in External (Kong Su Do, Udo, and Chin Na) styles of martial arts, eventually achieving the level of 3rd degree black belt.
Ellen PeterSen OF Nourishing Life Qigong
In 2005 I left the practice of law and focused on studying qigong as a system of healing, for myself and others. My goal is to inspire individuals to gain the skills to take control over their own health by teaching techniques and an attitude of mind that creates a healthy body, mind and spirit. Through intensive training, I learned to perceive qi and to use it to treat individuals, to bring balance to the energy system of the body and to start the body’s own healing processes. In my healing practice, I create a space to guide and support healing through listening and heart-centered communication. My belief is that true healing comes from a deep love, compassion and awareness that we are all connected.
There will always be a place for Western Medicine in health care, and I seek to support the care of your existing physician, therapist, or acupuncturist while practicing alternative and complementary healing therapies to provide health and wellness, making you happier and healthier.
Qualifications: Taiji and Qigong
I am deeply grateful to and inspired by all of my Taiji and Qigong Masters in their dedication and deep understanding and wisdom of taiji, qigong, universal energy, and life, and for sharing it with me.
My training includes intensive programs and private instruction in Qigong and External Qi Healing as a student in the Qigong Certification Training Program of Qigong GrandMaster Ken Cohen (Gao Han). Ken Cohen is a world-renowned health educator, China scholar, and Qigong GrandMaster with more than 45 years of experience. He is the founder of the Qigong Research and Practice Center and is the author of the internationally acclaimed book "The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing" (Ballantine).
I am a certified teacher of Qigong Master Robert Peng’s qigong lineage. I have trained as a student and assisted Qigong Master Robert Peng in The Master Key qigong training workshops and Qigong Healing Professional Training workshops. Robert Peng is a world-renowned Qigong Master, healer, and author of The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom book/cd/dvd series. As a boy and young man in China, Qigong Master Robert Peng apprenticed under the legendary Buddhist monk Xiao Yao, who trained him in the martial and healing arts.
I have practiced and studied Wudang Taiji Quan with Daoist monk Zhou Xuan Yun, the founder of Daoist Gate Wudang Arts. I have studied taiji and qigong with Master Kuan Chung Chen. He was named the international champion of both individual 37 Tai Chi Form and Tai Chi Push Hand.
Qualifications: Sound Healing
So where does Sound Healing come into play? Fascinated with singing bowls and sound theory, I found the opportunity to play and study the bowls and their use in a therapeutic practice. I was awed to see the deep relaxation and the profound effects on the body and mind that could be achieved using bowls, gongs, tuning forks, chimes, and other instruments on and around the body in a therapeutic manner. That led me to become a Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner through the Vibrational Sound Association and to participate in various sound healing workshops led by John Stuart Reid, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, and Diane Mandle. I offer sound healing in my practice. Relaxation during a sound session brings on the same kind of brain states as qigong, tai chi, meditation and yoga. All good qi!
The Abbey
In 2021 I was guided to create a space for people to come and “listen to their souls.” In January 2023, I manifested this vision and opened The Abbey. The Abbey is located in Marblehead on the beautiful North Shore of Massachusetts. This 1900s summer cottage has been lovingly restored as a private retreat space. With beautiful harbor views and a spacious layout, every detail of The Abbey has been designed with your rest and renewal in mind. Take a break from the distractions and stress of everyday life to pause and listen to your soul. We welcome daytime and overnight retreat guests.
Professional Affiliations
Professional member of the National Qigong Association and a member of the Qigong Institute.
Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner with the Vibrational Sound Association.